Modern Slavery Statement

This policy is effective as of 8 July 2019.

 Signed by BR Sloggett Chairman of Newsteer Ltd

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) came into force in October 2015 – large organisations doing business in the United Kingdom are required to produce (under section 54 (1)) a public “slavery and human trafficking statement”. The concept of “modern slavery” encompasses behaviours such as forced, compulsory or coerced labour, deprivation of personal freedom or facilitating the movement of people for exploitation. Newsteer Ltd (Newsteer) is a private limited company, incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 11759239. The Registered Office is at 12a Fleet Business Park,Fleet,GU52 8BF.

Whilst Newsteer is not required to produce a statement under the Act it has decided to as a matter of good practice and governance.


Newsteer is a real estate advisory business operating in the UK and regulated by the RICS and MRTPI. It sells advisory services to a wide range of clients including retailers, corporates, investors, developers and Local Authorities. The services Newsteer utilises itself are office based and its supply chain consists mainly of other regulated professional services (Chartered Surveyors, Law Firms, Accountancy Firms and Banks). Newsteer considers these to be very low risk in relation to slavery and human trafficking so takes no specific action in respect to these relationships. Given that our business is the provision of professional services, the risk of Modern Slavery within our business generally or our supply chain is low but we are conscious that Modern Slavery occurs in different forms throughout the world (including the UK).

The majority of other services supplied to or on behalf of Newsteer are from the professional service industry in the UK . Given the extremely low risk profile of anyone supplying us with services being involved in slavery and/or human trafficking, we believe that our current procedures and ability to rely on regulatory oversight in relation to professional services are sufficient. Those procedures remain under constant review.


The majority of goods supplied to Newsteer are those for use in an office environment. Given the low risk profile of suppliers of such goods, no specific training is provided or undertaken by Newsteer staff in relation to these matters.


Newsteer aims to raise awareness of the Act by providing employees and management with training on a range of compliance matters including their obligations and responsibilities under the Act, particularly in relation to mitigating risks within supply chains where possible.


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