Geena Bains


Development Consultancy


Geena has more than three years of experience in the development sector, working with public, private, and charitable clients to provide development consultancy and viability advice.

This includes financial modelling, viability assessments, and advice on complex redevelopment and regeneration projects. With an extensive background in the affordable housing sector, Geena advises registered providers and councils to help fulfil their development objectives.

As a chartered Planning and Development surveyor, Geena provides marketing and disposal advice to vendors from across various transaction types, encompassing development land and affordable housing agency. She also supports developers, registered providers, and councils on planning application viability.


  • Currently supporting Estate Regeneration schemes in LB Hounslow (Convent Way) and LB Barking and Dagenham (Heathway).
  • Advising both registered providers and councils on viability modelling and providing strategic advice to support their housing delivery ambitions. This includes conducting benchmarking assessments, options appraisals, and case study analysis.
  • Conducting a review of the LB Brent estate redevelopment program, including evaluating the viability and deliverability of each identified opportunity.

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