Development Consultancy

Our Development Consultancy team has the expertise and experience to guide you through every aspect of your project, from procurement and planning to viability, funding, delivery, and land assembly.

Our Services

Affordable Housing

Our specialist Affordable Housing Team provides advice to Registered Providers, Pension Funds, Investors, Developers and Public Sector Clients on the value of all affordable housing tenure types.

We undertake valuations for a variety of purposes including financial viability assessments, the acquisition / sale of both existing and new-build stock, as well as provide agency advice to developers looking to sell affordable units or partner with a Registered Provider to deliver new development.


Our agents are experienced at providing advice on acquisitions and disposals, working with clients to maximise the value of their development land, as well as identifying unique opportunities which meet our clients requirements including purchase of development opportunities and the creation of Joint Venture Partnerships.

Asset Strategy

We work alongside our colleagues in Planning and Asset and Transaction Advisory teams to carry out options appraisals to evaluate the best strategy for existing assets and client portfolios.

We also provide development appraisal and valuation advice in relation to releasing development opportunities, either independently or as part of strategic masterplanning exercises

Land Assembly, Compulsory Purchase and Compensation

We specialise in advising clients on overcoming land assembly challenges to realising their development ambitions, either through securing land by agreement, securing the release of restrictive covenants, securing new rights or taking clients through the entire compulsory purchase process.

We advise local authorities, public bodies, developers and claimants on all elements of the CPO process and the assessment of compensation, utilizing our experience to ensure the optimal outcome is achieved.

We have advised on the promotion of some of the largest regeneration schemes in the UK and have vast experience in providing expert evidence at Tribunals and Public Inquiries.

Development Management

We are equipped with the knowledge, skills and experience to take a site from the inception stage right through to securing a successful planning consent. Our team has significant client side experience through some high profile Development Management secondments; carrying out strategic feasibility work; appointing and managing design teams; and securing planning permissions.

Financial Viability

Our Financial Viability experts bring extensive experience in leading complex negotiations for high-profile clients across various sectors, negotiating the affordable housing provision within a scheme and the accompanying S106 review mechanisms.

We adapt to evolving planning and development policies and market conditions to advise and help deliver prominent, complex residential-led and mixed-use developments.

We are leaders in financial viability negotiations for emerging sectors like Build to Rent and Retirement Housing.

Infrastructure Delivery

We advise developers and public bodies on the delivery and funding of infrastructure required to release or maximise development opportunities.

We are experienced in putting in place collaboration agreements, equalisation structures and establishing funding mechanisms for a variety of project scenarios.

Recognising each project is unique, our team utilises our expertise to deliver practical and implementable solutions.


We specialise in complex regeneration schemes which require unlocking, such as through addressing land assembly / ownership issues or by unlocking financial viability challenges.

We utilise our skills to help clients overcome these issues, through preparing funding bids to secure external grant funding, recalibrating schemes to reduce or eliminate viability gaps, bringing in partners, or through advising on the use of compulsory purchase powers to complete land assembly

Financial Modelling

We are experts in appraising and modelling development schemes and advising clients on how viability can be improved. We work with architects and urban designers on the production of masterplans to ensure that the design aspirations are informed by key commercial drivers such as the value of existing assets, development land values, land ownership constraints, and affordable housing requirements.

We also experienced in modelling complex development scenarios for the purposes of assisting with funding bids or entering into partnership agreements relating to the delivery of a site.


Our Development Consultancy team has four RICS Registered Valuers who provide RICS Red Book Valuations and valuation advice with the benefit of input from our Planning, Affordable Housing, CPO and Agency experts to ensure that advice is measured and truly reflective of current market and policy conditions.

We specialize in statutory valuations such as ‘best consideration’, compulsory purchase compensation.

Rights to Light Compensation

We advise clients on the assessment of compensation where there has been an interference with a Right to Light, working with Rights to Light specialists to ensure that settlement agreements reflect valuation principles and are commercially focused.

We specialise in advising Councils and Developers on the use of appropriation / powers under s.203 Housing and Planning Act 2016 including the assessment of compensation under this basis. We also provide expert evidence on negotiated damages in relation to profit shares

Meet the Team


Alasdair Lowe



David Conboy



David Kane



Jonathan Glaister



Jonny Stevenson



Lizzie Sears


Mark byles new

Mark Byles



Richard Garside



George Meredith

Associate Director

Geena Bains

Geena Bains



Joe Sloggett



Nancy Taylor

Graduate Surveyor

Our Projects

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