Regeneration & CPO

Our Regeneration & CPO team has the expertise and experience to advise you on the delivery of regeneration schemes, whether that be in respect of procurement, planning, viability, funding, delivery or land assembly.

Our Services


We specialise in the assessment of compensation in respect of both residential and commercial property that has been affected by compulsory purchase.

We advise both acquiring authorities and claimants giving us a depth of experience in managing and assessing compensation claims and ensuring that the optimum outcome is realised.

We are adept at forming compensation budgets / Property Cost Estimates to inform expenditure and project viability.

We act for all types of claimants, from large corporate funds and occupiers to independent business and property investors.

Whilst we aim to bring compensation claims to a swift conclusion, we are experienced in dealing with cases which are referred to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) and giving expert evidence.

Our experience of dealing with compensation extends to matters not related to compulsory purchase, such as diminution in value and profit share calculations for Rights to Light cases, compensation where land has been ‘appropriated’ by a local authority and rights or covenants are being interfered with, and s.18 Landlord and Tenant Act 1927.

Compulsory Purchase

We advise on all aspects of the compulsory purchase process, taking a CPO scheme from inception through to the exercise of the powers and settlement of compensation.

Our comprehensive technical understanding of CPO procedure, combined with our practical experience, enables us to guide our clients through the CPO process.

We are a trusted adviser to a number of developers and public bodies, where we advise on some of the largest and most complex projects in the UK.

We work with our clients as partners, using our knowledge to deliver the best outcomes.

Land Assembly

We work with clients to advise on and help deliver high profile, complex residential–led and mixed-use developments. Whilst compulsory purchase is a useful tool in the land assembly process, we recognise that it is a last-resort for all parties and we utilise our skills to acquire land and property by agreement. On a number of schemes we have managed to secure all interests in land without the need for compulsory purchase, saving time and cost.

Land ownership is not always the barrier to development. The existence of rights and restrictive covenants over land can thwart development ambitions and we advise public bodies and developers on negotiating the release of rights and covenants, either by agreement or under statutory processes such as appropriation / s.203 Housing and Planning Act 2016 and s.84 Law of Property Act 1925.

Infrastructure Delivery

We advise developers and public bodies on the delivery and funding of infrastructure required to release or maximise development opportunities.

We are experienced in putting in place collaboration agreements, equalisation structures and establishing funding mechanisms for a variety of project scenarios.

We recognise each project is unique and utilise our expertise to deliver practical and implementable solutions.


We specialise in complex regeneration schemes which require unlocking, typically through the use of compulsory purchase. Whether you are a developer of public body looking to use compulsory purchase powers, to deliver a project, or a party owning or occupying a property affected by compulsory purchase, we have the knowledge and skills to help achieve your optimal outcome.


We provide specialist valuation advice to those seeking to establish the value of their property under the statutory compulsory purchase framework.

The compensation code, which forms the legal framework for the assessment of compensation, provides for a number of assumptions and disregards which are not always easy to decipher in the ‘no scheme world’ context in which the valuation is undertaken.

Our knowledge and experience in valuing land, residential and commercial property in a variety of scenarios ensures that the valuation is informed under the correct compensation basis.

We work collaboratively with our planning, development consultancy, and affordable housing specialists to ensure that our advice is measured and truly reflective of market conditions.

We are experienced at undertaking valuations for public bodes and charities, including preparing valuations for the reporting of ‘best consideration’.

Meet the team


Alasdair Lowe



David Conboy


Mark byles new

Mark Byles



George Meredith



Joe Sloggett



Nancy Taylor

Graduate Surveyor

Our Projects

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